Feb 2013

Feb 2013
Diploma awards

Thursday 4 March 2010

hypnotherapy training milton keynes

Wellerassociates will be running hypnotherapy diploma courses from April 2010 at the Jury`s Inn Milton Keynes. Principal Sam Weller has been a hypnotherapist for over 20 years having been trained in 1989 by the world renowned Gil Boyne. The GHR standards consul validates the course.

Sam Weller’s training experience, Regional training manager for a large financial services company, Tutor for Chrysalis and Director of Training for the Academy of Clinical and Medical hypnosis. The hypnotherapy diploma course will be run over 5 x 2-day masterclasses with emphasis on practical application. The course will be geared to the needs of running a hypnotherapy practise full time or a second income stream.

Our approach means you will be qualified far quicker than the more traditonal training methods and generating income sooner. Our course content is relevant and focused to the realities of running a modern day hypnotherapy practise.

The training will take place at the actual venue in Milton Keynes so you will not be moved on elsewhere. Each course will have 2 trainers minimum. The training team consists of Sam Weller,Alison Gatenby,Scott Whitrow,Jon Margetts and support trainers Nick Pease and David beck. This is not a franchise operation. Therefore we can resource the training with more trainers.

Uniquely 3 months of coaching /supervision/ support will be offered at no extra cost. No interest is charged for instalment payments. Cost £1750(full upfront payment 20% discount £1400)

Further details Sam Weller. Principal. SQHP. (Senior Qualification Hypnotherapy Practise) 01608 645445 http://training.wellerassociates.co.uk/ sam@wellerassociates.co.uk

"A fantastic course with Sam - most weekends were full of fun as well as lots of lectures and practical work. The tutor on this course was knowledgeable, very approachable and very much full of character in class. Not only did I come away as a hypnotherapist but also I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend retreats that this type of course was able to offer and on this course I was also able to continue on my journey of self-development. I also met some fantastic and interesting people on this course. I have set up the hypnotherapy business alongside my other therapies so I am utilizing all that I have learnt, in my work as well as it helping in my everyday personal life. I recommend this course to anyone who wishes to become a hypnotherapist or for anyone who wants personal growth, as long as you are happy to work hard and are prepared to laugh a lot along the way".

Sam Simmons
Wootton Bassett

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