The structure of a 1 day course would be
Trance state practical.Course Principal hypnotises class
History of hypnosis
The difference between clinical hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis
The power of rapport.
What is an induction?what happens in a hypnotherapy session
Who can be hypnotised?
Tea break
Practical part 1.Students use scripts to hypnotise each other.
Signs of trance state discussion/feedback.
Different types of hypnosis
Rapid Induction
importance of the and articulation
Lunch break
Common applications smoking, weight loss, anxiety
Practical part 2
introduction to the full diploma.(full price discount applies £350)
Cost £350 includes coffee and tea, and training materials.
2 x experienced trainers in attendance
Wellerassociates Certificates awarded at close.
Start 09.30 am finish 5.30 pm